Wednesday 25 November 2009

Z Brush ?

My tutor advised me that the Aztec mask Ident may look good in three D . I tried to use Z brush but found it to time consuming . Since I was unfamiliar with the software it took a while to get the basics, I watched tutorials to gain a basic understanding. I spent along time getting to grips with the software and produced quite a detailed model of a mask, but it was to time consuming. In the end I decided to scrap Z brush and go back to photoshop. I dont think it will be a problem if the mask is not 3D, as Idents are not always 3D models.

I Also realized at this point, being quite a way in to my project that tutorials are a vital part of learning and I feel that I overlooked how useful they are.

I will however in the future go back to Z brush to help out with 3.D projects.

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