Friday, 27 November 2009
Self Evaluation
Egpytian Ident 3
Egypt creative process

- used photoshop to colour and layer selected parts
- coloured the body to reflect the marble style of the original figure
- layered the eye seperate so it could move
- layered the sun seperately so I could add a glow effect
- highlighted areas to enhance light and dark
- keyed in the scale tool created motion path
- set desired motion path
- made the eyes move
- added glow to the sun
- added ripple effect to sun
- used colour correction to enhance image
- used pre-set font
- duration 12 seconds
- added soundtrack
- duration 12 seconds
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Egyptian Ident

Ident 2 Samurai
Samurai Ident

Creative Process
- Used images and layered them on photoshop
- seperated the layers so that I could animate them in After Effects.
- Highlighted select parts or my layers to look good
- Positioned the Anchor point so I could move the doors from a certain area.
- Keyed the doors until the movement looked smoothe
- used the graph editor to create the right motion
- used the scale tool to give the illusion the samurai was coming closer
- changed the opacity so level lit up as the doors openend
- created fast blur so the doors looked more realistic as they opened
- placed blur onto samurai so that he did not look to sharp when the doors opened
- placed blur on to background so the Samuari stood out as I zoomed in
- added glow effect to the samurai eyes
- placed white out so it appeared as if the eyes lite up the whole room
- used present typography
- duration 5 seconds
- used soundtrack
- used Sound effect from uni hard drive
- placed sound effect on Dore
- rendered to desired format
- duration 5 seconds
I also was realizing the importance of tidy file management, as I would end up having some many video files which were slightly different I may have changed them due to their poor quality or general changes . In future projects I will create a separate folder for test files. This would make my work space allot more manageable
Aztec mask (creative process)
After finishing in After Effects I took it in to premier to add the sound. The project also gave me a chance to play around with render settings, general effects and file management.
It took a while to get the desired look I was after and i think the music added greatly to creating atmosphere.
After effects
- Key framed panning
- masked the eyes so they would open
- opacity mask fade in
- glow effect - mask becomes bright
- opacity mask fades in as eyes open
- minmax mosaic style effect as mask blurs to background
- desired font to animate
- chose font to mimic the British museum
- render to movie
- Duration 10 seconds
- select music
- black out effect at the end of ident
- render into desired format
- Duration 10 seconds
For future refference I believe it is essential to study the tutorials as part of my research. As I did not take in to account the amount of hours which I would be spent learning the software. This prevented me from getting on with what I wanted to do , getting on with the Idents. As a result of this I will continue to study the programmes in my own time so that for future projects it will be easier to get on with my work.
Aztec Ident (Complete)
Ident 1 Aztec Mask
Go back to my research into to Idents to view these videos.

These two images are also from the film Apocalypto , and reveal ancient Mayan life and culture.

Z Brush ?
I Also realized at this point, being quite a way in to my project that tutorials are a vital part of learning and I feel that I overlooked how useful they are.
I will however in the future go back to Z brush to help out with 3.D projects.
Developing Aztec idea

I wanted to develop this idea, and used photo shop to flesh it out. By doing this I hoped to gain a clearer vision of what my final out come may look like
I researched a number of Aztec and Mayan masks to gain inspiration , I also wanted to select one to base my Ident on.

I decided to use the mask above as my main source, the design is simple which will help save time and it is also featured at the British Museum at present. Some of the more elobate masks look more impresive , but I have to be practical and think about time. The mask above depicts the last of the Aztec rulers before colonization.

This is my first rough photoshop image , it gave some idea how my ident may look. I used my drawing tablet and wanted to get a rough idea.

Using an image from Google, I decided to merge it with my mask. This was to add to the effect that the mask was coming alive as I previously explained in my concept for this Ident. I am not sure yet how I am going to animate the eye, to make it look like ist openeing. The only problem I had with the photoshop drawing was the lack of texture I will come back to this later.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Formative Feedback
- Research
- Development of Idea
- method of production
- Story boards
I will use Photp shop, Maya , Z Brush, After Effects and Premier to edit and create my idents.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
I decided to use this clip as I can picture a ornament of a Chinese boat , the camera could pan in and a small animation of Chinese fisherman could appear accompanied by tranquil music the animation would come to a stop and transform back in to the Chinese ornament. A slogan could then read 'A thousand years of history in a single visit', 'The British Museum'.
I decided to use Baraka as one of my sources of Inspiration due to its shire creative scope . Baraka took thirteen months to make and was filmed in 24 countries, the team went around the world three times, the film contains no narrative or subtitles. The Director states "it's not about why you are there it's about whats there" This film is therefore about simply appreciating culture and the planet, I can relate this to The British Museum which should also be about appreciating what is around you. Braka is a film about history nature and social situations , the British Museum is also about all these things. Director Ron Fricke/Cinematographer believes that we are connected to everything, I feel this is relevant to the Museum since everything which is now has its roots in history.
This trailer fills my imagination with ideas, I want to try and capture this sense of escape, I want my idents to take the audience into a new world for a brief period of time.
I could use certain camera shots and techniques to make an Ident from a collection of photos .
I love the vivid colors and sense of fantasy in these animations.They also make a lot of references to mythology which is well suited to The British Museum.
I think this animation would be prefect for a tribal piece of art work. A Native American dream could start to animate in the flip book style. (Cave Paintings )
One of my ideas was to do with the Aztec civilization, which you can see in my sketches section in my blog. This video inspired me and gave me ideas to the type of sound and atmosphere that I would like in my Ident. I also think it is very effective the way the camera pans into the forest.
If you skip forward to 1:27 in this video there is a scene of the Aztec Kingdom this would be perfect for my other idea where the camera zooms into the eyes to reveal an ancient world.
This film Mongol tells the story how a boy rises to become the great GENGHIS KHAN who ruled the largest empire in history to this day. The film is rich with cultural heritage and I could use the film for Mongolian artefactual from the British Museum.
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Research video Idents
I decided to use the DreamWorks Ident again , yet this time for The film gladiator . I posted this video to demonstrate how powerful music is for creating a different type of feel. This music is ominous and dark because Gladiator is a serious type of film so it therefore has to represent what the film is like.
The Bungie Logo has been made famous from its popular Halo franchise. The Logo is simple yet very memorable due to its iconic guitar sound . The bacteria looks impressive in the way in which it transforms into the earth, Bungie could be trying to symbolize the idea that they create Showing that they are inventive. Bungie often creates games which are slightly mythical and are highly imaginative. There games have a degree of realism which the audience can relate to such as realistic weapons and vehicles. However they also create worlds of fantasy, such as alien planets. The Bungie logo is often accompanied by the famous Gregorian style church chant, this then suddenly makes the ident unique to Bungie and as soon as the audience hears this we know it is a halo game. The church style sound represents that Bungie wants to be different from its competitors such as call of duty and other FPS . When I am making my ident for the British museum , i will also have to consider something that is iconic to the British museum. Simplicity is the key , since every Ident that i can remember are the simple ones e.g. Pixar , Dreamworks, Bungie and E4 .
This Chanel 4 ident is set in Tokyo , I'm struggling to see how I could use this for inspiration for the British Museum. The concept could be a way of introducing the young generation with there past. Manga is so popular amongst Japan and now the west. I would like to somehow merge the two.
I think these types of Idents are extremely effective , the large expanse of land , brings the viewer away from confinement its almost like a refreshing breather from hectic television. However I think it would to time consuming to create something like this for my project.
Back to Research
1 - Reseach Idents, post videos on to my blog
2 - Research films and other media which may inspire me
3 - Visit the museum and come back with more photos (European section)
4 - Draw more ideas
Monday, 19 October 2009
Ideas Rough Sketches

I copied a photo that I took at the museum , of two chinese men fighting . The two figures are practicing Kung Fu . I would like to keep the statues in the exact same positions but suddenly throw in a back drop of a chinese setting, such as green mountains and temples the scene would depict something of a peacful nature . I would animate the characters using 2 d software , then make them fight one another. The characters will then go back into the original position and I may use the same slogan 'The British Museum where history comes to life'.

After taking a photo from the Japanese section, I thought it would be interesting if the Samurai Armour could turn around as if it suddenly came alive. The short animation could have a slogan at the end 'The British Museum, where History comes to life'. Most of the people who visit the museum are tourists or older people, I didn't see any children. My only concern over this idea is that it may be scary for children, however due to the age of the audience it may not be a problem. I would like to use Maya to animate this, as I need to practice more with the software and this would be a good opportunity.

The British Museum photos

I felt very inspired after my visit my mind was full of exciting ideas. I also found the museum slightly overwhelming as there is so much to see. I took around a hundred photosbut documented a few which I thought about using.
The Brtitish Museum
I could have continued researching, yet wanted to get stuck into my project and remain fresh. I hoped to gain inspiration, ideas for my Indents and photos for reference material.
After my visit, I will produce some rough sketches, and then go back to researching Indents.
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Research (BBC)

Idents from the beginning
I went into the BBC website and found out more about the history of Idents
Before Idents companies used logos’ to identify them selves and still do.
Idents came about as technology advanced and gave designers a chance to be creative.
The only part which moved was a small globe in the middle.
1963 the globe was now an established symbol for the BBC. The globe would spin and the Indent was shown in-between shows
In 1997 BBC’s idents went under some huge changes , the way in which the company advertised them selves were far more artistic, and the thinking behind the Idents were more elaborate
A number of hot air balloons were filmed in different locations around the UK.
The idea behind these new idents conveyed the message that BBC was both a national and local broadcasting company.
Reading The Brief
Source: Nicola Freeman
Commissioning Editor -- National Gallery Publications
“We need some Idents done for the British Museum, maybe your students could come up with some ideas for us? We need three clips between five and ten second clips that we can play before during and after our presentations to reinforce The British Museum’s identity. They can use the gallery’s logo, they can use images from the gallery’s collection, and they can use current or future exhibitions as a theme. Such as the current Aztec exhibition.
It would be great if they came up with a range of ideas… I would like to see three or for Idents , I don’t know the first thing about computers? A storyboard for each as well as some explanation of why they have taken that approach would be excellent support for their actual animations. I suppose they’re going to have to do a little bit of research into the museum and what we’re about to really come up with something useful…”
• Do some research into the National Gallery
Storyboard, explain, and produce three to for segments of animation to reinforce the identity of The British Museum.
The Brief
Before I begin my project I think it will be a good idea to explain how I takled the brief.